How and where can I hang my hammock?
There are numerous ways to hang your hammock: between two trees, two walls or two posts. Alternatively, you can use almost any combination thereof and hang your hammock between a tree and a post, for example. It is also possible to attach it overhead and use the ceiling as an anchor point for the suspension.
The most important aspect is the load-bearing capacity of whatever suspension points you choose.
How much space do I need to hang my hammock?
When attaching your hammock, you should pay close attention to the correct relationship between the distance and height of the suspension points: Thehanging height (y) should be approximately half of the hanging distance (x). If you increase the distance between suspension points, you should also increase their height.
If you follow these hints, the shape of your hammock will resemble a banana (or a smile!).
Additionally, be sure that your hammock swings freely and does not touch the ground. This will protect it from abrasion and keep it looking beautiful for a long time.

What is the most comfortable way to lie in your hammock?
To fully enjoy the unique comfort of your hammock, you should position yourself diagonally. This way the lying surface can open completely and adapt to your body. Unlike lying lengthwise, your back is optimally supported and the pressure is relieved from your spine.
How to hang a hammock between two walls with the wall mount suspension set?
How to hang a hammock between two trees with the TreeMount suspension set?
How to hang a hammock with Elipso wooden stand?